
Ass Celtic Languages.
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Online courses


  • Lessoonyn da Toshiaghteyryn Simple, short lessons with audio for beginners to the language
  • Bunneydys A graded course by Brian Stowell based on the Irish language course Buntús Cainte
  • Cowag Bilingual books with audio based on simple realistic conversations
  • Lessoonyn Meanagh These lessons are suitable for those who have either completed the beginner's lessons or who have some knowledge of the language


  • Yn Eiraght Americaanagh A story through dialogue that presents lots of useful and realistic conversation phrases. Audio and translation are included
  • Lessoonyn Ard Suitable for those with a good command of the language. Consisting of dialogue from past and present speakers of Manx


  • Manx Words £10. A core vocabularly for learners of Manx. Each word comes with examples of usage in everyday situations. Based on the Welsh words. By Adrian Cain and James Harrison. Suitable for beginners
  • First Lessons in Manx £5. A Manx textbook from 1909 that covers essential vocabulary and grammar. By Edmund Goodwin. Suitable for beginners
  • Paloma £3. A novel for adult learners by Pól Ó Muirí about a young police officer who moves to rural Ireland. Comes with a CD for audio. The audio is available for free on SoundCloud Translated into Manx by Natalie Nic Shìm. Suitable for intermediate learners
  • Lioar-lhaih Ghaelgagh £10. A collection of writings from 1821-1907 of Manx newspapers and Ned Beg Hom Ruy. Edited by Christopher Lewin. Suitable for intermediate or advanced learners
  • Skeealyn Mooinjer Veggey £12. A collection of Manx fairy tales by Sophia Morrison. Translated by Chris Sheard and Peddyr Shimmin. Suitable for intermediate or advanced learners


YouTube Channels

  • De Linguis Very well researched videos on Manx pronunciation, resources, and other bits and pieces
  • Learn Manx YouTube channel with Manx language videos on topics relating to Manx culture and history





  • Pobble An organisation that pairs learners with more experienced speakers in a buddy-system. £20 to participate as an apprentice/prindeys in their Sheshaghyn programme
  • De Linguis Manx Gaelic Individual and group lessons for all levels of learners. Contact for prices
  • Say Something in Manx Teaches spoken Manx through repetition of increasingly complex phrases. Based on the Say Something in Welsh course. £10 a month for access to all languages
  • Learn Manx app A free app with interactive exercises and flashcards. Made by Culture Vannin
  • Gaelg son Toshiaghteyrn A course on Memrise that introduces the basics. Free to use but a paid subscription is required for extras


  • Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh Founded in 1899 to promote the Manx language. You can join for a £12 annual subscription. Members receive a 25% discount of the listed book price on all publications
  • Culture Vannin An organisation that promotes Manx culture and language in the Isle of Man

Resources for speakers of other Gaelic languages