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Free Resources



Y Hwb Graded Books - A list of dozens of graded books, starting from very simple and working it's way up in difficulty.

Childhood Stories - A variety of bilingual books and resources aimed at learners.


Learn Welsh

LearnWelsh Textbooks - Government lead course, based on these free textbooks which are used in conjunction with these digital resources. In person and virtual lessons are available here. You will find northern and southern versions of all resources.

Magazines & Journals

Y Selar - A quarterly Welsh language contemporary music magazine.

NLW Journal Archive - The National Library of Wales digitised journals archive.

NLW Newspaper Archive - The National Library of Wales digitised newspaper archive.


SaySomethingInWelsh - A very successful course which is talked about in greater detail further down this page. This course can be downloaded as an app.

Duolingo - A good introduction to Welsh, and good for learners who prefer more interactive learning. The course content is based on the content of the learnwelsh course, so works very well in conjunction with this course. Duolingo teaches both dialect as it goes along, including lessons specifically dedicated to vocabulary differences. The course also includes very good notes when using the desktop website.

Glossika - A space repetition learning course that offers multiple languages. Welsh is one of the free languages it provides.

Ap Geiriaduron - A dictionary app that has lots of useful features, including multiple dictionaries, offline search, showing radicals, wildcard searches, et c.

Gboard & Swiftkey - Two popular third-party keyboard apps that allow you to set multiple languages. This means you can have autocorrect/suggestions in both Welsh and English.


Geiriadur UWTSD - The online dictionary for the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. A good dictionary that includes some audio files for more popular search terms. Doesn't include definitions, just a straight Welsh-English / English-Welsh translation dictionary.

Duolingo Welsh Dictionary - Not a very extensive dictionary but it includes many example sentences as well as audio for everything included.

Geiriadur Bangor - An online version of Cysgair and the Termiadur Addysg by the University of Bangor.

GPC - Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru - A dicitonary of the Welsh Language from the University of Wales. It's the only historical dictionary of Welsh, and gives definitions in both Welsh and English. It also gives historical examples, variant spellings/forms, collocations, and etymology.

Open Celtic Dictionary - Open source dictionary with conjugations. Originally made for Welsh.

Geiriadur yr Academi - The Welsh Academy Dictionary from the University of Wales Press.

Termau Cymru - A searchable dictionary of specialised terminology, from the University of Bangor. This includes a list of specific terminology dictionaries.

Wiktionary - Wiktionary is a multi-lingual dictionary. It includes definitions, etymology, pronounciation (either through audio, IPA, or both), usage notes, mutations, conjugation, related terms, et c.

IPA Reader - This is a tool that works well in conjuntion with wiktionary. Simply find a word in wiktionary, copy and paste the IPA into this reader, and select "Gwyneth [Welsh]". It will then produce a downloadable Welsh audio file that pronounces the IPA.



  • S4C - S4C is the free-to-air Welsh language TV channel. This channel is their YouTube, where they post small self-contained clips from TV shows.
  • Hansh - Hansh is S4Cs "teen/young adult" area, and this is their YouTube. They focus on funny and interesting videos where younger presenters explore different parts of Wales and Welsh culture/identity/history. The videos have varying degrees of Welsh, with some videos described as being in "Wenglish".
  • Heno - Heno is S4Cs magazine programme.
  • S4C - Dysgu Cymraeg - Dysgu Cymraeg (not to be confused with LearnWelsh) is S4Cs YouTube channel dedicated to learners of Welsh. It contains a wide range of videos on all topics.
  • Golwg 360 - Golwg is a Welsh-language magazine that covers current events. This YouTube channel are accompanying videos which are in Welsh.
  • Coleg Cymraeg - The Welsh language college works with universities around Wales to develop Welsh language medium opportunities. This YouTube is a collection of some of their projects.
  • Archif ITV Cymru - Part of the National Screen & Sound Archive Of Wales' collection, based in the National Library. The archive contains around 200,000 items from 1958 onwards, based on Welsh-oriented programmes and broadcasts.
  • Menter Caerdydd - Cardiff's Welsh language initiative, supporting Welsh in the community.
  • Plaid TV - Plaid Cymru is a Welsh National political party. They upload two videos, one in English and one in Welsh.
  • Dŵr Cymru - "Welsh Water" is a not for profit company that operates the water supplies for Wales. They upload lots of videos in both English and Welsh that detail the work they do, as well as general educational videos on how water treatment works.
  • Llenyddiaeth Cymru - The YouTube channel for Literature Wales. They post a lot of literary Welsh, such as book and poem readings, as well as discussion videos.
  • Pethe Cymru - a YouTube channel that focuses on the Arts in Wales.
  • Cymraeg - The Government's "Cymraeg" initiative.
  • Athro Cymraeg - Videos dedicated to all aspects of learning Welsh, with a wide range of sub-series.



S4C is a free-to-air television channel. It was created in the early 80's, and was the first channel to be dedicated to producing content in the Welsh language.
Some popular show examples include:
  • Peppa - A Welsh dub of the popular children's TV show "Peppa Pig". This is a great series for learners, especially those already familiar with the English version.
  • Rownd a Rownd - A drama set in the North of Wales, focused on the lives of young people.
  • FFermio - Weekly series that focuses on issues surrounding farming and the countryside.
  • Dechrau Canu, Dechrau Canmol - A series of hymn singing and worship.
  • Chwedloni - A show that focuses on unique stories that reflect contemporary life in Wales.

BBC Cymru

BBC Cymru is the Welsh language regional division of the BBC. They have an agreement with S4C and the two work together to produce, and share, Welsh language media.
Some popular show examples include:
  • Pobol Y Cwm - A popular soap opera that focusses on the lives of people in the fictional village of "Cwmderi", in south-west Wales.
  • Clwb Rygbi - A rugby union television show that focuses on commentary and analysis.
  • Newyddion - Simply a Welsh language news show. It may not seem exciting, but if you want to know what's happening in Wales, in Welsh, there's no one else.


Websites like Radio.Garden and TuneIn.Com let you listen to radio stations from anywhere around the world.

Entirely In Welsh


  • Capital Cymru - Welsh from 6am - 7pm on weekdays and 9am - 4pm on weekends.
  • Môn FM - Regularly broadcasts both English and bilingual programming.

Daily Welsh Programmes

  • GTFM - Welsh medium programmes on Tuesday and Sunday evenings.


Y Pod - Y Pod is a website simply dedicated to listing any and every Welsh language focussed podcast. It includes anything from "Stori Tic Toc", the Radio Cymru children's bed time stories, to "Malu Cachu, Chwalu Stigma", a podcast dedicated to discussing, sharing, and breaking the stigma surrounding mental health.

Some popular podcast examples include:

  • Merched Y Wawr - A Welsh medium Women's Institute, their podcast focuses on aspects of Women's life in Wales.
  • [Highlights for Welsh Learners] - Produced by BBC Radio Cymru, these are the best bits of programs selected for their clear and simple presentation.
  • [Y Coridor Ansicrwydd] - Produced by BBC Radio Cymru, Owain Tudor Jones and Malcolm Allen discuss football events.
  • [Beti a'i Phobol] - Beti George speaks to some of the most interesting people in Wales.
  • Mel Mal Jal - A simple podcast of three talkative Welsh women chatting about what's interested them this week.



Blog Y Senedd - The blog for the Welsh Senedd.

Golwg360 Safbwynt - Golwg360's column section, from various authors about different aspects of current affairs.

Ytwll.Cymru - A blog site where multiple authors post about various things, from Welsh heritage to kpop.

Felinfach - A blog based on various aspects of Welsh culture or learning.

Peth Meddal Di'r Meddwl - A personal blog dedicated to sharing experiences around mental health (social anxiety) as well as just general chatting.

Iechyd Meddwl - Cardiff University's mental health blog.

Addysg Feddygol Cymraeg - Cardiff University's blog dedicated to Welsh medium medical education.

Ymbarel - A student led mental health blog aimed at Welsh teenagers.

Straeon Personol - Personal stories, in Welsh, from amser i newid.

Byw Gyda BIPOLAR - A blog dedicated to sharing experiences of what it's like to live with bipolar disorder.

Arddun Rhiannon - A blog focussed mainly on mental health but lots of posts about various other topics.

Fel Y Moroedd - A personal blog that posts about day to day happenings and personal interests.

Tridral - A personal blipfoto blog that does a photo a day, with some bilingual explanations.

BBC Cymru - BBC Cymru's blog, mostly abandoned but good reading practise.

BBC Radio Cymru - BBC Radio Cymru's blog, again abandoned but good reading practise.

BBC Radio Cymru2 - BBC Radio Cymru 2's blog, also abandoned.


S4C DysguCymraeg - S4Cs learning Welsh twitter, lots of different media and information.

National Centre for Learning Welsh - Twitter dedicated to learning Welsh.

SaySomethingInWelsh - A twitter for SSiW who regularly post event information.

Gwyl Newydd - Newport's Welsh language arts festival.

LearnCymraeg - A twitter dedicated to learning Welsh.

Y Pod Cymru - Updates on new podcast episodes that are released in Welsh.

Cymraeg - Government backed project, their twitter is bilingual.

Y Wenhwyseg - A twitter dedicated to the Gwentian dialect of Welsh.


Cysill Ar-lein - An online grammar/mutation/spell checker. It's also available as a Microsoft Word extension.

Wicipedia - Welsh language Wikipedia.

BBC Bitesize Welsh - BBC Bitesize Welsh Second Language page. Includes lessons, revision notes, quizzes/tests, et c, for multiple key stages.

BBC Bitesize TGAU - BBC Bitesize TGAU page. Includes lessons, revision notes, quizzes/tests, et c, for all Welsh language GCSEs.

BBC Cymru - BBC's Welsh language news site.

Golwg360 - Asdie from just being a magazine, Golwg hosts online articles, including vocab tools for learners.

Parallel.Cymru - Parallel.Cymru is an online bilingual magazine. All articles are in both Welsh and English. The site also includes other interesting resources, such as some Welsh cooking recipes.

Maes-e.com - A Welsh only bulletin board.

Toot.Wales - A Welsh social media/microblogging network.

amam.cymru - A website and an app, a channel-driven platform dedicated to the arts in Wales.

Urdd Gobaith Cymru - Urdd is a national organisation dedicated to the promotion of Welsh is people under the age of 25. If you live in Wales and are under 25, find information for your local area here.

Casglwr - Casglwr is a publication by the Cymdeithas Bob Owen, a society started in the 1970s dedicated to collectors and lovers of books. The website includes archives of all of their publications, which detail rare and interesting books related to Wales and Welsh.

Meddwl - A Welsh medium mental health support site.

Mind.Org - Mind's Welsh language site.


Where to buy Welsh books? Where possible books will be linked with sites such as goodreads, as to not favour any specific store. Here is a list of some of the more popular book shops that either specialise in or have a large volume of Welsh-language books.

  • gwales.com - A site that specialised specifically in Welsh-language written media, as well as English books that focus on aspects of Welsh language, culture, history, et c. Physical books, ebooks, magazines, reviews, recommendations. They cover books for all range ranges. This shop is run by "Llyfrau Cymru", the books Council of Wales. When buying with Gwales you can choose an independent bookshop to receive a commission from your purchase. They support international shipping, although duty/handling fees vary.
  • Do you live in Wales? Please use Gwales' shopfinder to find an independent Welsh book shop in your area!
  • ffolio.wales - A site also run by the book Council of Wales, with a similar commission scheme. This site is focussed purely on e-books, but is otherwise the same as Gwales.
  • Y Lolfa - A Welsh language printing/publishing company. Established in the late 60's, Y Lolfa has been printing and publishing books for Welsh language authors where previous companies wouldn't. It's thanks, in part, to them that we have such diverse and creative Welsh written media. Their bookshop includes ebooks, audiobooks, as well as author information pages. They also support international shipping, although duty/handling fees vary.
  • Siop Y Pethe - A company that sells lots of Welsh products, but specialises in selling Welsh language books.


Non-Fiction =

Learn Welsh

Colloquial Welsh - This book from Gareth King is in of itself a course, but is also a very good resource for those learning Welsh from a more "standard" course who wants to strengthen their colloquial knowledge.

Modern Welsh: A Comprehensive Grammar - Another book from Gareth King. This is a very, very extensive book on the finer points of grammar within the Welsh language. If you need to know every little rule about grammar when learning a language, this is the book for you.

Magazines & Journals

A more comprehensive list of magazines can be found here.

A more comprehensive list of newspapers can be found here.

  • Barn - A monthly current affairs magazine.
  • Cristion - A two monthly multi-denominational Christian magazine.
  • Golwg - A weekly current events magazine, the magazine with the largest circulation in Wales.
  • Y Traethodydd - A quarterly cultural magazine, covering topics related to history, theology, and literature.
  • Y Cymru - A monthly newspaper, the only national paper in Welsh.



  • Against the Dying of the Light - 2001 documentary interviewing Welsh actors, directors, and public figures about the importance that film has played and the importance of the National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales, and their work.
  • Branwen - Welsh language drama set in Wales and Northern Ireland. Inspired by the story of the Second Branch of the Mabinogi.
  • Cameleon - Welsh language story of an idealistic young man who joins the army, before unexpectedly returning home.
  • Rhosyn a Rhith - Welsh language comedy focussed on the closure of a small town cinema, based in south Wales.
  • Cysgod Rhyfel - Predominantly in Welsh, a documentary that focuses on the mental health of veteran soldiers and their families.
  • Dal: Yma/Nawr - Welsh language documentary that focuses on and explores the poetic soul of Wales.
  • Eldra - Welsh language movie that focuses on a Romani girl who comes to Bethesda to stay with her grandparents.
  • The Feast - Welsh language fantasy horror that tells the story of a wealthy dinner party at an estate in the mountains of Wales.
  • Hedd Wyn - Welsh language anti-war biopic based on the life of Ellis Humphrey Evans who was killed in World War I.
  • Mr Jones - Available in Welsh, this movie is loosely based on the life a Welsh journalist called Gareth Jones who discovered the Holodomor.
  • Noson Lawen - Welsh language feel-good movie based on the life of Sam Jones, a farmer's son who dreams of academia.
  • Yr Ymadawiad - Welsh language drama that follows a tense story based in a remote Welsh forest.
  • Patagonia - A Welsh-Argentina drama that focuses on the connection that Y Wladfa brings to two different countries.
  • Rhestr Nadolig Wil - Welsh language Christmas movie that follows the story of an 8 year old boy called Wil, and his friendship with Santa.
  • The Silent Village - A Welsh propaganda short-film/drama documentary from the 1940s, inspired by the Lidice massacre.
  • Solomon a Gaenor - Welsh language romance that follows the "Romeo & Juliet" story of forbidden love between an Orthodox Jewish man and a gentile woman.
  • Tylluan Wen - Welsh language drama based on Angharad Jones' novel Y Dylluan Wen.
  • Dan y Wenallt - Welsh drama based on the radio drama of the same name.